Miracle diet weekly menu for those who accumulate fat in the upper body

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Lifestyle influences the accumulation of fat in the body and consequently a greater risk for cardiovascular health and many chronic diseases. You should know that there are no forbidden foods, but it is advisable to reduce the consumption of salt, industrial products, alcohol and processed products for those with a tendency to accumulate fat in the upper body.

Ideally, you should eat a healthy, balanced diet. That’s why we propose this miracle diet weekly menu based on healthy foods for your heart and to reduce fat in your body.

Miracle diet weekly menu for those who accumulate fat in the upper body


Semi-skimmed milk with 2 whole wheat biscuits
Green tea with 2 wholegrain biscuits
Coffee with 2 whole wheat biscuits
Snack: 10 g dried fruit and a piece of fruit
Snack: 1 low-fat white yogurt


Cream of cabbage and potatoes (200 g). Recipe with a good content of vitamins and minerals, necessary for the muscles to respond well to stimuli. The cream is made with cabbage, potatoes, vegetable broth, cheese and some toasted bread on the side.
Fried sea bream (250 g). Roasted sea bream can be prepared quickly in the oven with just a few ingredients: lemon, oil, garlic and, if you like, a few chili peppers. This fish is rich in omega 3, which is beneficial for people with high triglycerides.


Spaghetti with tomato sauce (80g). Pasta is a recurring and easy to prepare dish. Processing spaghetti with tomato sauce is simple and will provide a high degree of carbohydrates and antioxidants.
Schnitzel with lemon (200 gr). To end the day, it is possible to dine with some cutlets prepared with veal, egg, breadcrumbs, lemon and parsley. This menu is ideal for people with diabetes and hypertension due to its high protein and iron content.


Sole with seafood (250 gr). Sole is a very beneficial fish for the heart because it promotes arterial elasticity and prevents diseases and the risk of heart attacks. To prepare it with seafood, you need to add butter, lemon, fish broth and parsley.
Rice, garlic and shrimp salad (80g). Rice provides a high energy intake, especially carbohydrates. The garlic and shrimp give it a great taste. It can be accompanied by chopped parsley, soy sauce and lemon juice. In this sense, it is important to emphasize that hypertensive people should use a low sodium soy sauce.


Lentil Soup (100 gr). This tasty dish is made with lentils, tomatoes, carrots, garlic and vegetable broth. Thanks to the presence of vegetables and legumes, it is rich in carbohydrates and proteins.
Ham and mushroom rolls (200 gr). The recipe for ham and mushroom rolls is healthy for everyone. Prepare the ham rolls and fry them. Finish cooking by putting them in the oven for 10 minutes. You can make a garlic, onion and mushroom sauce to go with the rolls.


Vegetable soup (200 gr). The vegetable soup can be made with potatoes, carrots, lettuce, leek, onion and vegetable broth. It is a rich and healthy dish for everyone, especially for low-calorie diets.
Rice crêpes with tuna (200 gr). This dish combines the benefits of fish with the energy of crêpes and rice.


Mussels with pumpkin cream (200 gr). Mussels with pumpkin cream increase the nutritional value of the fish. It’s a dish with few calories, so it’s recommended for everyone.
Grilled turkey fillets with salad (250 gr). One of the easiest dishes to prepare on this weekly menu. Prepare steaks on the grill and accompany them with a refreshing salad. You can season the meat with your favorite spices such as thyme, rosemary, pepper or lemon juice.


Mushrooms au gratin (150 g). The recipe for cooking mushrooms is accompanied by ingredients such as ham, onion, a little extra virgin olive oil and breadcrumbs. Stuff the mushrooms with ham and add salt, garlic, breadcrumbs and cheese. Bake in the oven until the cheese is grated to your liking.
Plaice with tomato (250 g). And to end the week, a simple, easy to prepare and tasty dish. The plaice is a blue fish rich in omega 3. You can serve it with some lettuce. Chop the tomato and brown it in a pan with the plaice for a few minutes before serving.

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